Sunday, August 28, 2011

Know your Subramanian Swamy

I have to say this at the very beginning. I’d definitely prefer Manmohan Singh to Advani and for that matter UPA to NDA. I voted for Lok Satta party in 2009 AP assembly polls which I found to be a better alternative. I have nothing to do with politics and I have every right to hold my views. I do believe that Sangh parivar’s ideology and hate agenda poses a greater threat to India than many other external factors. That apart, I have little sympathy for members of Rajiv Gandhi’s family (Dr.Subramaniya Swamy himself claims that he was a good friend and well wisher of Rajiv who in turn wanted him to be the Prime Minister of India!). I am stating all this because I had the experience of getting branded as a sycophant by intolerant fanboys of BJP. My knowledge is limited and I don’t have much time to do any research to disprove Subramaniya Swamy’s theories. The attempt here is not to shoot the messenger as it might look but understanding the motives and credentials of a person whose words are being given undeserving importance. I am really sick of spam mails asking people to 'know so and so person' as if they are morons who can't make up their own mind. Don't insult the intellect of others that way. Who knows one day you may have to rethink about your own intellect.
It is one thing to fight political opponents through parliamentary debates and electoral politics but the online propaganda war unleashed by a section of Indian polity to vilify individuals, who ever it is, is a threat to our democratic system. I am amazed by the lack of reasoning on the part of so called educated class which goes blindly by what it is told in blogs and webpages. Everyone has his/her perception but facts have to be sacrosanct. Let them rethink once if everything told was substantiated beyond all doubts. Why don’t we see the same propaganda articles in mainstream media( not even in ‘The Pioneer’ whose editor-in-chief is a BJP Rajya Sabha MP?). Why are questionable means (usage of anonymous and unaccountable internet media) adopted for propagation of allegations if the real intent is to put up facts in public sphere? Who is stopping them from approaching the judiciary and mainstream media?Who is stopping them from standing up in open to prove their claims?
Dr. Subramaniya Swamy is not new to Indian politics. Current generation knows him through electronic media as someone who fought against irregularities in 2G spectrum allocation. But even without him appropriating the issue, the centre for public interest litigation comprising apolitical individuals filed a similar petition in Supreme Court . Otherwise nothing much is known about Swamy. He loves to remain in limelight through his conspiracy theories. He puts scorn and venom on anyone who comes in his way. He is currently the sole owner of Janata party, a symbol of Jaya Prakash Narayan’s movement against Indira Gandhi during emergency days. I don’t know how he appropriated it to himself after Janata parivar fell apart. I was told by a retired faculty member at IIT Delhi about politicking in the campus when Dr.Swamy was a faculty member in the Humanities department. He was subsequently made to leave the institute
  • Read what Ram Jethmalani had to say about Dr Subramaniya Swamy, "The diseased insect"
This country has suffered many a misfortune but none greater than the vice and persistence in our public life of a despicable character called Subramanian Swamy. His has been a life of character assassination, malicious mendacity and sordid blackmail of any one who happens to cross his path. No body has been able to deflect him from his criminal course of conduct because few have the inclination to take on this vicious viper and expose him for what he really is.

Most good men have no stomach for controversies and fights at the Swamy level. To make mean attacks on those who in good faith have helped him in life is his speciality. And behind all his evil is one fostering frustration that he has not become the Prime Minister of India!

True, democracy must take in its stride even dangerous megalomaniacs like him, but equally the people must know what they are dealing with. This diseased insect cannot be disinfected. He has to be crushed and carefully incinerated. It is not enough to throw him into the gutter.That is his natural habitat. There he will grow and flourish.

The witnesses to prove this damning thesis are legion. This virulent viper's targets have been many. Scores who have silently borne his impertinent insults can be cited. For lack of space only a few instances would suffice. Let us take the venerable R. Venkataraman, a politician who adorned the Rashtrapati Bhawan and is now a universally respected elder statesman. In his book, My Presidential Years, he records:

"Early in October, a file recommending the appointment of Roxana Subramanian Swamy as Additional Judge of the Delhi High Court came to me with the recommendation of all the constitutional authorities. Mrs Swamy had completed 10 years and four months at the bar, just a few months more than the minimum qualification fixed under the Constitution. Her income was stated to be Rs 20,000 per annum during 1989 and 1990. There were a number of women lawyers in the Delhi High Court with greater standing and with far greater income from the profession. To overlook all of them and appoint a person with Mrs Swamy's standing and practice would have been an affront to the bar. I therefore returned the file to the Prime Minister for reconsideration. Dr Subramanian Swamy mounted a tirade against me in the Central Hall of Parliament and outside which I ignored. I had never been either pressured or cajoled to act against my conviction.''
I am not giving much importance to Ram jethmalani's words as both he and Swamy were involved in a squabble over a defamation case but one can't ignore the writings of R. Venkataraman, former president of India and who was known for his integrity.I don’t know Swamy in person but just one scan of his writings made me believe in what is said about him
Swamy was a failure in politics (even after showing up his presence on all sides of political spectrum at some or other point of time) and now he is looking for new platforms- "Hindutva" and lately "Fight against corruption" (in case you don't know, Swamy was a greatest champion of secularism and a bitter critic of sangh parivar till late 1990s. Here is one article of him published in Frontline “The RSS game plan: Creeping fascism of RSS” Source: ) Around that time he enacted a drama in the name of 'secular patriotic front' Source:
As far as his allegations against Congress President are concerned, it appears that he harbors some grudge against her for coming in the way of realizing his long awaited political ambitions (when AIADMK withdrew its support to NDA government in 1999). Until that moment he was seeking her support and praising Rajiv's family. To tell you more, he harbours a similar grudge against former Prime Minister Vajpayee for many reasons and differences dating back to Janata government. Swamy was Jayalaitha’s choice for Finance minister in NDA government of 1998. When BJP refused to accept him, he did everything to dislodge the government. He played a key role in withdrawal of AIADMK’s support to NDA government (And if you don’t know, ask any middle aged person in Tamil Nadu about his anti-corruption crusade against Jayalalitha in the first half of 1990s. During those days, Chandralekha,one former IAS officer resigned to her job and joined him in the grand fight against Jayalalitha. She continues to be the Vice-President of Janata Party.( Swamy buried his differences with Jayalalitha in no time when he understood the winds of change in Delhi towards coalition politics).
  • Outlook Interview with Subramaniya swamy dating April,1999:
For Dr Subramanian Swamy, all it took was a tea-party to trigger off a political crisis that ultimately led to the Vajpayee government's ouster. The maverick-politician knew that unleashing Amma in Delhi would create unrest. The gamble paid off. An hour after Vajpayee was voted out of office, Swamy walked in triumphantly to the Hotel Maurya, Jayalalitha's temporary abode, to work out the next phase after Operation Topple. Excerpts from the interview:
Q.What does this confidence vote mean? After all, the coalition was defeated only by a single vote.
A.That is not the point. After spending crores of rupees to buy out MPs and blatant horse-trading, the BJP government has failed. It is indicative of the sharp erosion in their vote bank. They were confident of pulling through in greater numbers but events proved otherwise.
Q.Do you take credit for being solely responsible for activating this crisis?
A.It was a gigantic managerial exercise to vote out this government. Sure, I was a catalyst. It goes to the credit of Jayalalitha that she staked her entire political career by pulling out of this unnatural alliance.

Q.What would have happened if the BJP coalition had won?
A.Both the BJP government at the Centre and the DMK in Tamil Nadu would have been terribly vindictive towards Jayalalitha. But she took the risk. It was a calculated one and she won.

Q.Were there others who helped in this exercise?
A.One must give credit to Sonia Gandhi's hand of support and Mayawati's late but correct decision to vote against the confidence motion.

Q.What happens now? Will it be a stable outfit or are we looking at yet another shaky coalition?
A.The President is bound by precedent to call the largest party, which is the Congress. It might take a week for the next government to be sworn as there are things which need to be worked out. No, this time it will be a dynamic and secular government which will take it to the 21st century.

Q.Where will Jayalalitha or you figure in the new dispensation?
A.That is too early to say (smiles). You will know soon.

After the failure of this experiment, he faced parliamentary elections with lot of resentment (Till date he managed to win direct elections once or twice). That time Swamy had to say this:
"Jayalalitha owes her political existence to me. In '91, I was instrumental in toppling the Karunanidhi government and paving the way for her to become chief minister. But she ditched me. Again, in '98, by aligning with her, I helped her regain moral authority. People were willing to forgive her because I, her principal foe till then, joined hands with her. When she was desperate for an alliance with the Congress, I organised the tea party and brought her and Sonia Gandhi closer. Today she's dumped me and will pay a huge political price for this."
Those who see a messiah/anti-corruption crusader in him(especially the die hard fans of BJP) would do well to read and digest the following. It is entirely up to them if they want to consume garbage in a selective manner. I have no issues
  • Why Vajpayee Hates Swamy
IT is common knowledge that there is no love lost between Atal Behari Vajpayee and Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy, whom Jayalalitha desperately wanted as finance minister of a BJP-led government. But few are aware of Swamy's autobiography serialised in the Tamil weekly Kumudham, where he has poured venom and vitriol on Vajpayee and cast aspersions on his private life. The serial titled Swami and Friends—a Few Enemies Too was published in early 1997.

Here are some excerpts from the magazine which explain why Vajpayee "cannot stand the sight of Swamy"

Issue dated February 20, 1997

WHEN the Morarji Desai-led Janata government came to power by defeating the Congress, many expected that I would get a cabinet berth for my outstanding resistance to the Emergency. But, Atal Behari Vajpayee interfered and spoiled it. Just to get out of the prison on parole, Vajpayee had given a letter of apology to Indira Gandhi and had created a bad precedence. But he had the 91 MPs of the Jan Sangh under his control. He could not stomach the fame I got as an 'Emergency hero'. Further, he was desperately trying to cover the humiliation of his all-out surrender before Indira. He tricked Morarji Desai into giving me just a minister of state...

"As the then external affairs minister, Vajpayee tried his best to prevent me from visiting China and he indeed succeeded for a year. However, in 1978, Morarji paved the way for my China visit. Morarji accepted only my ideas about China and totally rejected Vajpayee's readings. Vajpayee's only concern was to please the Soviet Union. His continuation as the external affairs minister was based on his having 91 Jan Sangh MPs under his thumb and only because of this numerical strength he was not removed from the foreign office...

"Though Charan Singh got a bad name for pulling down the Morarji government, the real culprits are Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde. They deliberately engineered a duel between Charan Singh and Morarji and in the process pushed down Morarji. It was Vajpayee and Hegde who met the president with the letter claiming support of 279 MPs. Out of this 23 MPs' signatures were forged. Investigative agencies alerted the president and he made it public. A shocked Morarji resigned and withdrew from the public life. In fact, on that day Hegde and Vajpayee should have quit public life."
Issue dated March 20, 1997

MORARJI and Charan Singh are known for their morality. But some immoral elements in the Janata (regime) calculated their personal gain by creating a wedge between them. For instance, Vajpayee was embarrassed when Morarji sternly warned him to stop drinking. In Delhi the Japanese external affairs minister had organised a party. Vajpayee, who was present there as India's external affairs minister, was drunk. I was also invited for that dinner. I was shocked to see the external affairs minister fully intoxicated...

"When Morarji asked me, I told him everything. Then, in front of me, he summoned Vajpayee and abused him. But Vajpayee did not open his mouth. He was standing there like a student caught redhanded for stealing by a teacher. As a retaliation and to keep Morarji within limits, Vajpayee sowed poison in Charan Singh's mind. It was Vajpayee who first planted the idea of prime ministership in the mind of Charan Singh. He kept meeting Morarji and Charan Singh separately and started spreading stories against each other. Popular perception is that it was Charan Singh who broke Janata. But the fact is that it was Vajpayee who destroyed the fort called Janata.

"Morarji and Charan Singh are like Kaikeyee of the Ramayana. In the Janata Ramayana, Kooni's role was played by Vajpayee."

Issue dated April 24, 1997

AFTER the 1977 general elections, based on the assurances given by Vajpayee and Nana Goray, Jagjivan Ram was confident of becoming the PM. The Jan Sangh had 102 MPs and the Socialists had 35 and Jagjivan Ram had 27 MPs. That is, out of 318 MPs, nearly half of them were behind Jagjivan Ram. But when Charan Singh clearly expressed that his choice was only Morarji Desai, Vajpayee did a silent somersault and met JP and said that he was willing to change his support. I was there with JP when Vajpayee came running—panting for breath—and expressed his support to Morarji. Jayaprakash Narain turned towards me and winked his gleaming eyes and smiled. Poor Jagjivan Ram was not aware of these developments."
Post 1999(after betrayal of Swamy's political ambitions) Sonia has become No 1 enemy. There is a perceptible trend in whatever he alleges. Other than heaping scorn and venom upon enemies he indulges in lot of self praise as you must have seen by now
Swamy in's interview (April 2002)
I believe that since 1995 Sonia Gandhi and (Prime Minister) Atal Bihari Vajpayee reached a deal which I should have known (about), but did not. That's how the 1999 toppling of the Bharatiya Janata Party government, which I organized, failed to bring about an alternative government. I think Sonia's deal with Vajpayee entails that as long as he is prime minister, she will not make any efforts to topple him unless she can come in his place. The deal is to protect each other. I can say very clearly that the prime minister and Congress chief share a lot of secrets. They are also engaged in many deals on which neither side is willing to speak up.
Press release Dated 13-11-2003
I demand the immediate removal of Mr.Brijesh Mishra from the post of National Security Adviser and Secretary to the Prime Minister for the following reasons:

(a) He has a daughter, named Jyotsna who resides in Italy and is married to an Italian national. This Italian has close connections with Quattrocchi. Mishra can hold some other posts, but not these two. Mr.Mishra also reveals secrets of investigations of the CBI to Ms.Sonia Gandhi directly and through Mr.Natwar Singh.

(b) Mr.Mishra’s son resides in New York, and is in trouble with the US law. On Mishra’s intervention in his official capacity, Mishra’s son has been dealt leniently by the US law enforcement authority. This has compromised Mr.Mishra. Recently, in Washington Mr.Mishra gave the names of those Ministers of the Vajpayee Government who opposed sending of Indian troops to Iraq.

(c) Mr.Mishra is a heavy drinker of alchohol, and is generally out of his senses after 6 PM during foreign trips. He is thus a national security risk, and requires to be sacked.

I have filed a complaint with the CBI seeking an investigation on the CVC report to the Prime Minister that six Ministers are engaged in corrupt activities. If the CBI fails to act, I shall go to Court.
Press Release Dt 10.1.2004
In Delhi High Court, the CBI withholding telling the Court the truth about Ms.Sonia Gandhi’s involvement in antique smuggling, KGB links and Rajiv Gandhi assassination. The Prime Minister Mr.Vajpayee is protecting Ms.Sonia Gandhi from prosecution by ordering the CBI to stall proceedings. She is a very convenient opposition leader for the BJP.
Press Release Dt.15.3.2004

3. Sonia states in her interview. “I have always felt very comfortable” with Vajpayee. Naturally !! They protect each other. Since she has much to hide. She has to keep the Prime Minister humoured. For the BJP, Ms.Sonia Gandhi is a convenient leader of the opposition who does not make an issue of import of sugar from Pakistan, the illegal release of terrorists in the Kandhahar IA flight hijack episode, or any other issue where the Prime Minister’s culpability is there. Her betrayal of the opposition cause of forming a secular alternative government in 1999 is known to all. What is not known is that she did it in collusion with Vajpayee.
5. I congratulate President Musharraf for speaking the truth—Vajpayee has capitulated in the Kashmir issue, and hence should apologise to the nation for it.
Press release
2. Now that the RSS has given a slap on Vajpayee's face, it is up to him to show that he is not a hypocrite by quitting public life as Bajrang Dal has demanded. Vajpayee is already at the foothills of the Himalayas, and he can continue to stay there at his son-in-law's ill gotten and illegally acquired 5-star hotel, and save the country from his insincere pontifications. While in office Vajpayee did nothing about Narendra Modi. Now that he has lost, he should not behave like a rat on a sinking ship. It will further disgrace him and add to his history of disgraceful behaviour as in Quit India Movement in 1942, during the Emergency during 1975-77, and in the Indian Airlines hijack episode in Kandhahar in 1999.
From Swamy's article on Charan Singh

If Morarji was the brain of the Janata, Charan Singh was the spinal cord of the party. We needed both Janatha to be strong.Since both men were strict disciplinarians other less strict and more corrupt Janatha leaders saw personal advantage in dividing the two. Atal Behari Vajpayee was, for example, feeling insecure with Morarji for asking him to give up alcoholic drinks. On one occasion, when the Japanese Foreign Minister gave a dinner party in the Japanese Embassy in New Delhi, Vajpayee had became quite drunk in that party. I had been also invited to that dinner, and was horrified to see our Foreign Minister drunk. Morarji came to know of this through the Intelligence Bureau, so he asked me for confirmation, which I gladly gave. Morarji then called Vajpayee in my presence, and gave him big firing. Vajpayee had no answer except to giggle like a school girl caught stealing. But naturally he felt humiliated. To keep Morarji in check, Vajpayee began poisoning Charan Singh's mind. It was he who first put the idea of becoming PM in Charan Singh's mind. Like a typical trouble maker, Vajpayee could carry tales to Morarji about Charan Singh, and vice versa. The 'credit' thus of laying the foundation for the break up of Janata Party and the fall of its government, really goes to Vajpayee and not to Charan Singh as is popularly thought. The split came in 1979, and Charan Singh became PM with Indira Gandhi's help. I stayed in Janata with Morarji. Vajpayee ditched Charan Singh at the last minute, and decided to stay in the Janata Party. A year later, he ditched Morarji, and left the Janata to form the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and become its President.

More of Swamy's claims
  • Vajpayee played a disgraceful role of writing an apology letter to Mrs.Gandhi during the Emergency - to come out on parole out of jail.
  • Vajpayee betrayed Jagjivan Ram orelse he would have become the PM of India
  • Vajpayee publicly claims that he is a bachelor but not a Bramachari
Sources : ,
Here is one news report dating back to 23rd June 1993$FILE/bac54751.pdf
wherein Swamy says “ I have satisfied myself with the proof that exists” on payoff to Advani and alleges "South African Indians supplied 7 kgs of gold for the Karseva at Ayodhya"
Very recently, in a newspaper article he proposed ways to wipe out Islamic terrorism and his suggested methods include removal of masjid at Kashi Vishwanath temple along with 300 other mosques in India. Dr.Subramaniya Swamy, as I understand wants to be a maverick politician who also loves to go with the trend and remain in hot news
There is lot more to be discovered about Swamy if one has time and patience to scan old newspapers. Let not his sophisticated language and trumpeted academic credentials deceive you. I’ll conclude saying this. Know your Subramaniya Swamy first before propagating his claims. I am not asking anyone to push his theories under carpet but also learn to question him or verify his sources of information. Let him approach right forums to prove his claims instead of using questionable means to vilify opponents.
With no one to question,such propaganda material gets multiplied all over the net and finally one day someone attributes credibility to it just because it's widespread.I fear a lot many things said by lot many other people are in propagation through unaccountable internet media and it doesn't augur well for India. There are many conspiracy theories like Tajmahal was Tejomahalaya etc., which have acceptance among many netizens. How easy it has become to exploit emotions and sway opinions?


  1. These are just old set of articles and interviews that most Dr.Swamy followers are aware of & have questioned him on twitter and got response to their satisfaction. How about adding today's views of Ram Jethmalani & RSS, who are both supportive of him?

    About Tejomahalaya, you can call it a conspiracy theory, but its not been proven either way. I've myself found locked basement doors where no one is allowed. And you may also add that Dr.Swamy was refused permission to open those. But of course, you'd be more interested to prove that he just claims it, but never really did so. Right?

    How about also adding that he's the one who exposed this 2G scam? Or is that a lie too? Or did the scam itself never happened like Zero Minister claims?

    I'm a Dr.Swamy supporter because I like his views of today. I don't really care what he did or did not do earlier and yes, I'm aware of them. I'm sure there are many more like me.

  2. I am sure you are not aware of many things. Are you aware of this squabble?

    Just because Swamy trumpets up it doesn't mean he exposed something. 2G scam investigations will continue even without Swamy's petition. Centre for Public Interest Litigation is fighting various Telecom related issues from the days of Pramod Mahajan

    About Tejomahalaya, please visit Humayun Tomb or Safdarjung tomb in Delhi and there too you'll find locked doors at the basement. The tombs which we normally see are false ones and crypt rooms are inaccessible. If you have any doubts please approach a good historian or ASI

  3. Yea, what does that article prove?

    I'm not a fan of tombs and nor do I trust biased historians who have concocted school history books. In any case, if there are other tombs too with locked basements, open them too, why only Kerala temple basements?!

  4. If Dr. Swamy concocts a theory that Mughal tombs have unknown treasures waiting to be discovered, and if his online fans spam through emails,video messages and blog pages, we can very well expect to see the unlocking of crypt rooms

  5. Know the facts and post these kind of articles, Swamy is greatest man ever in indian politics, never seen such an intellectual in our indian politics.If he had worked long in index theory,he would have got noble prize, but for noble cause of our country he left harvard and came to our rescue.

    1. For Your kind information, I would like to tell you that Mr Swamy is asked to resigned from Harvard because of his one essay on Hindu-Muslims and many students complaint about him politicizing the atmosphere. Harvard did not wanted to fire him for the sake of the institution so they asked him to resign and this is what Mr Swami has accepted in Aap ki Adalat.

    2. I never liked BJP, But i used to think subramanya swami was a great person. Until some one told me recently he hated vajpayee. So i started searching about what he has told about vajpayee... Then i started finding more and more about Subramanya...Now i realized what he is.

  6. Which fact is wrong? You don't want to believe in the words of swamy the great? If he is the greatest man ever in Indian politics, why can't he win the trust of people in his own constituency Madurai?Seriously India is not in need of his rescue operation

  7. ok,let sonia gandhi the great(didnt even renounce her italian Citizenship) who didnt even study beyond 5th class, rule our country and let raja's rule our country. 90% of our politicians nt eligible for small clerk post. We should be ashamed for electing them as our representatives.if you are much interested write about 2g scam Raja ,cwg kalmadi. Dont waste your time by writing these kind of articles.India is not in need of people like you.

  8. some points in ur articles are really an eye opener but stil i think you need to understand that this guy exposed rahul gandhi (real name raul) ,sonia gandhi any many more,,he may be a maverick no doubt bt its also right that people like rahul,sonia can never be trusted. I am not BJP supporter nor i hate congress bt as a literate youth i dont think there is any pure leader be it mr swamy or advani or even gandhi .

  9. Why to bring in Gandhi here?

    Whenever you read Swamy on Rahul or Sonia or any other person in public life, check all sources of information and ask for them until you are convinced.Our Swamy is known for plain gibberish and obfuscation of reality.

  10. "Why to bring in Gandhi here?"
    Why not? gandhi or Mr. mohandask karamchand gandhi was an equally evasive, spineless, shameless piece of ***** - exactly like A Raja, Muthuvel Karunanidhi, Subramanian swamy, jaiprakash narayan, anna hazare. All of these and many other "leaders" are mere mortal human beings with flaws bigger than the size of the largest crater on the moon.
    books showing the truth of gandhi has been published many times and the spineless swines that want to keep the indian people in the dark about the greatest spineless being in the last 100 years have routinely banned such books.
    gandhi supported the british troops that indulged in a genocide against the indigenous zulu people of south africa. what's worse - he actively participated in the genocide. he wore the british uniform and was part of their medical support team to help the army officers that were injured.
    gandhi used to sleep naked with young women 1/3rd his age when he was in his 70's. imagine that. your sister or my sister who is 20 or 25 sleeping with a naked 70 yr old the entire night - definitely MAHATMA-ish.
    gandhi in a letter to Adolf Hitler addressed the latter as a sibling, a brother.
    if gandhi was alive today, he would kiss the feet of a raja & kanimozhi for the great deeds they've done. And no - that's not sarcasm.
    NOTE: I don't trust each & every stupidity that's on the above link. But some of those can be easily verified & found to be true. And those are the ones that I really like to express.
    And yes, I totally do not contest any claims about Subramanian swamy. I doubted swamy exactly like i doubted gandhi - and closer examination always points our their huge horrible deficiencies. So, for that, I would like to thank you for the time & efforts you've taken to proselytize people to convert out of swamy-ism. And I also completely empathize with your situation - where you receive numerous e-mails, facebook posts, tweets etc telling you / informing you about some or the other entity.
    Sometimes it is a pleasant surprise too. Just google for "sixth sense pranav mistry" - i got that as one such message. I am yet to critically look at this, but my immediate knee-jerk reaction was "pleasant".

  11. Dear Friend,I don't buy such things said about Gandhi. Distorted and ill-informed they are as you must have heard/read them from a third person (who never spelt out the real motive )without any credentials of his own. Such people include white supremacists like Arthur Kemp and self-proclaimed Gandhi haters who attribute everything that went wrong in India to Gandhi.I am saying this after doing much study of everything attributed to him and also made posts in relevant forums.GOI authorized 'Collected works of Mahatma Gandhi' are available for everybody's reference and I recommend the same for you. Gandhi bashers collect their headless tailless one-liners from that very source.Nothing from Gandhi's life went unnoticed and no aspect of him was left without any study by fine brains all over the world. You can read about his Ambulance corps and service to victims on battleground(which included Zulus as well) in his own autobiography. He openly supported the recruitment of soldiers during WWI and so were other national leaders like BalaGangadhar Tilak.He stopped believing in British sense of justice after repeated betrayals.As for Gandhi's experiments with celibacy, read Chapter 18 titled 'An Excursion in Psychology' from Nirmal Kumar Bose's 'My Days with Gandhi'

  12. Gandhi might have had his deficiencies.But it is too much to draw a comparison between him and our Swamy. Swamy,after so many years in public life can't even command the trust of people living around him

  13. Your blog is like a treasure trove on Swamy. This time Swamy has an insidious agenda and mind you he is not alone. There are lot of external forces at work against the Government of India-yes, the fight is no more against the Congress or the UPA , its against the government of India and I really feel sad that a majority of simple minded do not see through this huge conspiracy in spite of so much indicators in the form of news reports available in various media.-----

    I also share your views and prefer UPA over NDA anytime. I am so very happy that I came to this blog and can't thank you enough for providing all the information on Swamy. Thank you once again.


    1. I share exactly same view as yours.
      Using internet they created such a world that whater you say against BJP you become anti-national. Last 6 years i have seen they were working for this. This did not given them result in last 2 election. Netizens never voted. But last 1-2 years, they planned,concentrating on netizens coming out and vote. Netizens are already fed with what BJP wanted. Only thing is they need to come out and vote.
      There are many reasons i do not want NDA to rule, one of the reason is you will never here about their wrong doings...where as about congress, every person connected to net will easily be updated about wrong doings of congress.


  15. Hmmm. I read all of the above. The comments & the content.
    I've been introduced to Dr Swami just 1.5 yrs back when I came to Pune to study Journalism. & u c as Journalists it becums a habit to find out the truth & to ascertain it.
    To much of the bloggers dissappointment I must reiterate the previous commentator's line that" Dr Swamy is indeed a politician well ahead of his time".
    He was d man who proposed to Indira Gandhi about market driven model way way back which is currently in operation.
    Well anyways just 1last point. Harvard requested Dr Swamy to leave or resign but on matters of wiping out Islamic terror they never dissagreed wid him.

    The blogger has the ryt to his opinion & so dus ppl who are commenting. Thats okay. That is Democracy & this is the only cause Dr Swamy has aspoused. Now Cheers.
